Symbolic Marriage in Italy

The choice of the symbolic ritual is so closely linked to personal factors that it is not easy to explain. Many people may think that it almost seems like a drama. If you think so it means that you are starting from the wrong idea.

It is certainly a different choice from the classic marriage (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish) or civil, but a symbolic rite has a charge of emotions and intensity incomparable, because it is a personal choice of the couple and the very personal subject of the ceremony engage the participant a lot.
Not all couples decide to consecrate their union with the religious or civil rite or, at least, not only. Many engaged couples are inclined to a symbolic ceremony that celebrates magic and romance.

The validity of marriage with a symbolic rite

Despite its emotional and suggestive charge, the symbolic marriage has no legal value. To make it valid for all purposes, you can also include the “bureaucratic” part celebrated by a civil registrar that makes the marriage valid. Unless you decide to share the two moments, celebrating first the civil and then the symbolic part.
After what previously said, there’s something more romantic than a couple who wants to declare their love to each other in front of those they love most? Declare love for our partner becomes a moment full of symbols and the ritual rise on a spiritual dimension.

The best symbolic ritual to choose

There are rituals evoking the elements of nature: air, water, earth and fire as a symbol of union and harmony; the handfasting with the binding of the hands of the spouses that symbolizes their union; the sand ceremony where the mixture of two differently-coloured grains of sand creates a harmonious whole. Or you can opt for an ancient rite, the Celtic one for example, or a ritual that you have heard about or attended and excited you.

Where to celebrate it

Among the best locations where to celebrate your symbolic wedding, without any doubt, we recommend the ones that are most in contact with nature, such as a beach, a wood, a flowering meadow or in the shade of an old oak tree or where your heart will bring you.
It may be a place you love so much, which reminds you of your first kiss, the beach or the top of a mountain where you exchanged the promise of eternal love.

How to organize a symbolic wedding

Whichever is the ritual you choose to celebrate, it is important to decide everything previously, and leave nothing to chance. If it is important for every marriage, it is even more important for the symbolic ceremony, where the emotional and suggestive path is at the top and at the centre of everything.
You can bring to life every detail by following the inspiration of the chosen ritual, from the participation to the decorations, from the lighting to the favours that must leave an indelible memory of your most beautiful day.
Even the bride’s clothes, hairstyle and make-up can be coordinated with the ritual, it should be a must for this ritual.

Choose the symbolic ritual to renew the promises

The symbolic rite is not the prerogative of young couples. For several years, many couples decide to renew their promises through a symbolic rite. Considering that the renewal of promises requires no legal change, choosing the ritual which reflects the most your wishes will only increase emotion and suggestive power.

No superficiality!

The marriage with symbolic ritual does not allow you to be superficial. Let us help you in making this moment special and personal, otherwise, you may risk living a standard and not very personal ceremony, which wouldn’t give you that “special and personal emotion”.

Tips to arrange a symbolic ritual

The choice of a symbolic ritual is obviously a couple decision and as the first step we consult the celebrant to be sure not to interfere with the various moments of the ceremony and to study a design project that enhances the chosen symbolism.

Any idea? Write to us.