Your Wedding on Ligurian Riviera Coast

The Ligurian coast has always been very famous and much appreciated, for its small towns overlooking the sea and typical of that area, but also for its steep promontories and the inland full of real jewels.
It is a breathless place, where It is possible to admire the sunset sinking in the sea from the top of the cliffs. The elements that will make your Italian wedding unique are breathless views, small villages directly on the sea, colourful towns and unspoiled nature.

Getting marry in Ligurian Riviera Coast

The eastern coast
Liguria is a long and narrow region in the north of Italy. It is known as a place with two souls: eastern and the western side.
The eastern soul is the one with enchanted and fairytale landscapes. Writers wrote about it and made it famous worldwide. These places are those of the coast of Portofino, the exclusive place popular among international jet sets and of “Cinque Terre” (five maritime villages with narrow streets, colourful houses that sink in a cobalt blue sea).
Cinque Terre are part of a stretch of coast of Liguria in the province of La Spezia, between Punta Mesco and Punta Montenero. They include the villages of Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore.
Since 1997 Cinque Terre are World heritages of Unesco, on its website we can read that “the Ligurian coast where the Cinque Terre are located is a cultural land with an exceptional value.

In the national park of Cinque Terre there is a wild nature with rows of grapevines, olive trees and citrus groves that prove how humans have been able to act in this place. Cinque Terre is a very beloved destination for many people who look for wild nature by the sea without giving up the traditions of a portion of coast where fishermen live.

Continuing toward the eastern side, you will reach Porto Venere and Lerici, and you enter the beautiful Gulf of Poets, where mountainsand the sea seem to have found a perfect harmony and connection.
Porto Venere could be included in the Cinque Terre. It is a town situated on the promontory of Poets and that donates daydreams to whoever visits it.
Lerici, on the other hand, is an exclusive village located on the way to the border with Tuscany. It is very beautiful and typical and it could become the background for an elegant wedding on the beach.


The western coast
Taking the road to France, you arrive on the western coast, where you will find the Palms coast (Riviera delle Palme) with Varazze and Spotorno, and the Flowers coast (Riviera dei Fiori) with Sanremo. In this stretch of coast, there are lush and wild nature, blue sea and extraordinary places. Here, it is possible to glimpse beautiful villages by the sea and in the inland. by the sea, there is Finale Ligure, which is considered one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. With its splendid promenade and its “carruggi”, elegant shops and comfortable coffee shop it would be a wonderful stage for your wedding. We can’t forget Sanremo, where each year the famous music festival takes place. It is a wonderful, elegant and blooming town. Moving towards the inland, you will certainly be fascinated by its small villages. For example, Apricale is a village where time is stopped. It is a magical place that hosts various plays and music shows during summer.

Ligurian coast can be the ideal place for those couples looking for history and sea, who want the romanticism of a sunset and enjoying wild landscapes.

Today, many towns in Liguria allow celebrating civil ceremonies outside the town hall. Therefore, in numerous of them it is possible to get married on the beach, in private gardens of villas or parks.

Contact us for your wedding in Liguria!